TLDR pages as a man page alternative


1 min read

I have not always been a man-page person. I used to google instead.

Whenever I needed to use a command I don't completely remember the signature of, I went to Google. Same when I wanted a working example. It took me quite some time to actually get in the habit of checking out man pages first.

But recently I discovered TLDR pages. TLDR pages give quick insight into the command at first glance. They are more convenient.

This wasn't always the case with man pages. They can be overwhelming at times.

Let's take a look at the comparison of the sheer number of words shown on a man page vs a TLDR page ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿป

Here's the man page for sed command:


Here's the TLDR page for sed command:


I am not saying that this is the case for every command on the man page, but TLDR pages are better for a quick read overall.

Perhaps, a lot of people feel the same way that's why the TLDR pages is an open-source initiative run & loved by a lot of people.

Interested to know your thoughts, do you find man pages easier to navigate?